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SUCCESS STORIES AND CASE HISTORY - Immigration Solicitors Hampshire
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2015  June

The applicant spouse approached us after the refusal of a spouse visa for the wife, it was obvious that he earned far beyond the income threshold for spouse visa but the Home Office could not understand his income structure.

We advised the client against appealing which would have been long winded, might have taken up to a year and without a guarantee of success.

We assisted with a fresh application, presented the applicants income and evidence in a simple format for the home office, presented the application under an available Scheme for such an income and the Spouse Visa was approved with 6 weeks. The wife flew into the UK within a week.


 2015 APRIL

Applicant holding EEA nationality wanted to work for a UK Government Public Service and ran into difficulties. Though her father was British, he was not married to her mother and the applicant was born in the UK during the era when an unmarried father could not pass on nationality to their children.  Many solicitors advised the applicant that client needed to apply for naturalisation.  Following our assessment of the family, we were able to successfully make a representation to the passport office that the mother, an EEA National automatically acquired settlement in the UK under her circumstance and was therefore settled in the UK prior to the applicant’s birth. Based on our representation, client was issued a British Passport and she did not have to naturalize.


2015 MARCH 

This was an in-country applicant whose applicant has been refused because the home office did not accept the validity of his marriage and refused his permission to remain in the UK as the spouse of an EEA national, despite the couple having a child. We assisted the applicant with a fresh application and the applicant was granted permission to stay as the unmarried partner of an EEA national. The client is now legally resident in the UK, with the right to work and free to enter into a civil legal marriage with his wife.


2015 MARCH 

The applicant entered the UK with a 2year spouse visa, he was unaware that his visa had expired until he was planning a holiday abroad with his wife. The visa had expired for over two years.

Following our representation to the Home Office, the client was granted Indefinite Leave to remain in the UK within 5 months of our application.


2015  January

The applicant enter the UK with her husband and two children, she held a visitor’s visa. Following arrival in the UK, the family decided to stay.  The applicant was quick to seek legal advice.  We assisted with her application for leave to remain in the UK as under the partner’s route, the applicant was approved within six months, despite the fact that she was in the UK as a visitor and the husband did not meet the strict financial rules.


2015 -January

The applicant had been in the UK as a diplomat for many years and for most part was visa exempt. Following her retirement from her diplomatic position she was at a loss on how she could remain in the UK. We assisted her with an application for settlement which was granted within the rules within 6 months.



2014 December

The family of four wanted to relocate to the UK to work , after an assessment we identified that an Ancestry visa was appropriate in the circumstance, we drafted the representation for the application and the family’s visa was approved within 1 week.



2014 -October

The applicant arrived in the UK with a spouse visa; following the marriage breakdown the Home Office revoked her visa. During our assessment, we identified that her twin children who were born out of wedlock in a previous relationship could qualify for British citizenship at the discretion of the Secretary of State. We applied for the registration under the discretionary route and the applications were approved and the Children are now British citizens. As a result of which we were able to apply for their mother to also settle in the UK, under the 5year route for parents of British Citizens.



2014- August

The applicant’s wife approached us to assist the husband in applying for a spouse visa to join her in the UK. He had recently been deported from an European country.  We assisted with the application, made full representation on good character and the spouse visa to the UK was issued without any complications.


2014 June

The applicants matter had become complex by the time she instructed us, she enter the UK on a spouse visa, following marriage breakdown the visa was revoked, applicant lodged  and invalid application under domestic violence the couple reconciled. We assisted the application with application to reinstate her visa which was refused and we moved for Judicial review – following several communications and legal arguments with the Home Office, we reached a consent Order which granted the applicant leave to remain in the UK as a spouse, we were also able to agree that she is within the transitional arrangements and therefore the income threshold was not required. The client is happy and has had her legal status reinstated.


 2014 -January  

The applicant applied for a visitor’s visa to enter the UK to visit the wife, the home office refused the visa based on their opinion that the applicant will not returned home at the end of the visit.

We assisted the client in making a fresh application with full representation and documentations and the visitor’s visa was granted within 10days. The applicant entered the UK, took and passed the English language test and thereafter he return home to successfully apply for his spouse visa.

Indefinite Leave to Remain

2013- December

Client initially came to us in 2010 when her previous legal representatives had made an expensive error on her application. Her application was refused. We assisted her in 2010 to regularise her status and argued on the gap.

In December 2013 we successfully obtained her indefinitely leave to remain (ILR) under the 10year rule. Her ILR was granted within 4 months of our application.

Spousal Visa

2013- December

Applicant came to us in 2012 with a Tier 4 visa just after the post study visa had been abolished. He was living with his fiancé and they were soon to be married, however they did not meet the new financial criteria

To preserve his status in the UK, we applied outside the immigration rules presenting compassionate circumstances and advised him how he could meet the new spousal rules with 6 months of planning

By August 2013 he was able to meet the rules and we made a substituted application to the UKBA and he was granted 30months leave to remain as a spouse. At all time we preserved his immigration status and he had never been out of a job or in breach of the rules

UK Ancestry Visa

2013- September

The client came to us after she had been refused an Ancestry visa, she was had entered UK on her existing visitor’s visa and wanted to appeal the visa refusal. Upon review of her case, we advised that a reapplication was in her best interest and as cheaper and shorter in time than the appeal.

We assisted her with the out-of-country application, and within three weeks she was back in the UK with her 5 years Ancestry visa and free to take up any UK employment.

Romania & Bulgaria Registration Certificate


A Romanian client who already had a work authorisation, but did not want to be tied down to one employer; She had a limited company and had regularly worked via employment agencies using this company. With our advice and assistance we successful lodged an application on behalf of the client and she was granted a Registration Certificate, which allowed her to work independently for any employer of her choice without any restrictions.  The application took only 4 months

Indefinite Leave to Remain

2013 – July

Client was a repeat client whom we had assisted with her immigration status since 2008. We were able to make an application for indefinite leave under the Transitional Arrangements to Appendix FM and she got her indefinite leave to remain in the UK within 8 weeks of our application. She was a very happy client

Indefinite Leave to Remain

2013 July

Client was financially challenged and the application for indefinite leave was nearly out of time, furthermore the UKBA made an error on his application and returned this after his visa has expired.

We successfully argued the error of the Home Office and the granted his indefinite leave to remain within 4 months of our application

Registration as a British Citizen

2013 May

The client was born in the UK but his parents has no status to be in the UK, we assisted the parents with discretionary leave to remain in 2009 and in 2013 when the client was now 10years old we applied for British nationality which was granted within 6weeks.  The client is now a British citizen and his parents also acquired further rights as parents of a British citizen resident in the UK.


2013 February

Client came to us as a Romanian national who had found our services online. She has secured a good job with the NHS, but required a work permit to commence the employment.

We communicated with her proposed employers and also set out plans to speed up the application process. She was granted her work permit within 3weeks of instructing us


2013 January

The applicant was granted Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK after she gave birth to her daughter. Due to bad advice, she took her daughter out of the UK to stay with the grandparents without regularising the daughter’s status.

She applied to bring her daughter back to the UK after two years and the application was refused.

Upon reviewing the case, we drafted full grounds of appeal, which enabled the UKBA to review their decision as a consequence of which the refusal decision was withdrawn without the need for an appeal hearing. The daughter is now in the UK with indefinite leave to enter.


2012- July

Leave granted by the court following a successful appeal. The applicant is the spouse of a British National, she had been refused Leave to enter because her husband had other children in the UK and was previously with another partner. The UKBA argued that the husband had not provided sufficient evidence that the UK relationship had ended.

We successfully argued that there was no requirement for formal documents to show the ending of a relationship which was not a marriage. The Court agreed and the applicant was granted leave to enter the UK to join her husband.


2011 October

The applicant an American Citizen formally held indefinite leave to remain, however having lived outside the country for more than two years, she lost her indefinite leave. She was then granted Limited leave to enter as the spouse of a UK citizen.

The applicant was unaware of her visa expiry until she was about to travel abroad on holiday with her husband. It was discovered that her status had expired for over 6-months.

We made representation on behalf of the applicant stating that she was entitled to indefinite leave to remain based on the length of her marriage and it would appear she was granted limited leave due to lack of life in the UK test which came into force while her application was pending, hence inapplicable.

The applicant was joyfully granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK despite overstaying last visa.


2011 January

Client, an Ivorian national was married to an EEA national, but had divorced prior to the expiry of the 5years leave to remain that he had been given. We successfully argued that the client had retained the rights to reside under the EU rules, the UKBA agreed and he was granted Permanent Right to reside in the UK. He is now eligible to Naturalize as a British Citizen.


2010- October

Client came to us in a panic, she had been referred by a friend who had utilized our services in the past.

She had been refused a student visa under the Tier 4 point based program. The college she was attending had closed down and she had only just found a new college.

We reviewed the previous application made by an immigration caseworker on her behalf and we found that no representation was provided to explain the closure of the former college and the fact that the client had in-fact lost the money she paid as tuition fees to that college.

We made a fresh application of her behalf while preserving her rights of appeal and judicial review. She  was granted Leave to remain under the Tier 4 points based system enabling her to continue her studies with the new college and preserving her immigration rights and status in the UK.


2010- August

This client was referred to us by the citizens advice bureau in Havering. She was a failed asylum seeker who had been in the UK for several years. She was near destitute by the time she came to us. We reviewed her case, made representation on her behalf under the legacy rules and her article 8 rights of both herself and her children.

The client was overjoyed when 18months after, she was granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

�€� She now had the right to work and fend for her children.

�€� Her husband was also able to work.

�€� The family were able to reside peacefully in the UK knowing their immigration status had been resolve Indefinitely and they could, if they choose become British Citizens.